Career Stagnation: Definition, Reasons and Ways to Overcome


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Sometimes it is easier to change a job to overcome career stagnation. Do you know what career stagnation is? If no, this is what we are going to discuss in our today’s post. Anyway, to change a job and get a new better one, you need to have a really good resume paper. Where to get it? On our site, you can get your unique original resume. Creative professional resumes are also available. If you already have a resume, we will update it, adjusting to the demands of the modern labor market. Think it over carefully. In the meantime, let’s come back to the subject of our post. What is career stagnation and what to do about it?

Career stagnation: what are we waiting for?

This is great when, except financial satisfaction from work, a person gets moral satisfaction, as well, when he (she) grows and develops professionally. However, it does not happen always and with everybody. Only one-third of workers noticed positive changes in their career. Others either do not feel any changes or think that they lose their professional skills. How to fight the career stagnation? The experts are ready to share several useful pieces of advice. In addition, you can get the answer to your question “how to fix my resume for tomorrow” on our blog.

Professional growth and development play an essential role in any career. If they are present, a specialist gets moral satisfaction. It means his (hers) everyday actions are useful and work is appreciated not only in a financial sense. It all causes several questions: “How often does such a situation occur in practice?” and “Are all the workers satisfied with their present workplace in a professional sense?”.

Professional growth in gray shades

There was a survey that presented not a very cheerful picture. Only every third employee has noticed that its present workplace allows developing professionally. Also, more often the positive changes are noticed by men (39% versus 34% among women) and, in most cases, they are under 34 years old (37%). A young lawyer says: “Although there is no perspective for career growth, the experience and professional skills are priceless”. A department head also believes that professional growth has a great value. He claims that at the moment he is perfectly fine, in a financial sense, otherwise, in case if in six months there is professional stagnation without any perspectives, he is going to change his workplace. In this case, the best option is to use our customer service resume writing, and a new job will not keep you waiting.

About 37% of workers have claimed that there are no changes in their career at the moment: they neither develop nor lose their skills. They just stay where they are, in a professional sense. One of the most common statements is the following: “several years ago I got a job, where I gained some skills, but already in a couple of months I started experiencing the state of professional stagnation. And I continue experiencing it today”. The previously mentioned department head says that his present job does not influence his state because “professional and career growth is too slow”. It is interesting that usually, women experience professional stagnation (38% versus 35% among men), and also, those who are either under 24 years old (38%) or over 45 years old (39%).

Every second (18%) thinks that his (hers) job will bring nothing good in a professional sense, that he (she) only loses his (hers) skills there (read about the importance of professional skills and personal qualities here: They say that work seems too easy, and there is no development. If you do not develop, it means you regress. They are at the edge of professional burnout. Many companies are not ready for innovations. They do not provide their workers with the opportunities to get additional education or attend refresher courses. Most often, the specialists aged 35 to 44 years old (22%) experience the negative influence of their job. Speaking about men and women, if you are interested, we suggest that you read the post “sexist interview myth or reality” published on our blog.

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Look at the root

In general, looking at the picture, the question arises: “Why do not most employees experience positive changes in their career?”. Here are several aspects, to which we should pay attention. The first one is that positive changes are a pretty subjective category because for someone this is a flexible schedule, for others, this is a workplace on the beach, and for others, this is career growth and increase in income. In case if you care for money saving, do not pay for resume proofreading much money but order this service on our site. The second aspect is that most workers may suffer from routine. Thus, any changes in career seem insignificant.

In order to see positive changes in career, it is necessary to start building a career first! If you just sit and wait for “miracles”, they will probably never happen because much depends on a person, his (hers) life position, and temper type. No wonder they say that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Also, there is a Japanese saying “if you sit for a long time on the river bank, you can see the corpse of your enemy passing by”. Remember it and keep in mind that is does not work in this case. A risk is required to get significant changes. However, few people are ready to take responsibility for the risk and, for instance, accept the offer of a startup company. Besides, big international companies, which many workers prefer because of their constancy and stability, work according to the model of fixing the same-type business processes for a specific person. In order to show that you are a capable employee, you need help making a resume, which will present all your professional strengths in the best light.

This all proclaims the following conclusion: in order to change the situation for the better, it is necessary to act. However, not all actions are equally useful. One and the same actions from day to day lead to the feeling of work routine. You need to fight this feeling. But how? The simplest advice is to take the initiative and bring your ideas to life. Also, experts advise widening the circle of one’s responsibilities. Burnout may happen even at work, which you used to love. In order to change the situation, you can always take some additional duties. If an employee for a long time is engaged in sales, for instance, we can advise him (her) to take the responsibilities of a coach to teach and develop new department workers ( Also, selling some project, an employee can become the leader of the selling process. If there is the desire to fight routine, you can get occupied with any process related to your projects: staff selection, human resources management, project management, etc. In most cases, the company management team looks positively at such initiative steps, realizing that the workers need to grow and not burn out. One of the most common methods of routine fighting is the widening of one’s own functional duties, participation as an assistant in the projects of colleagues, and for someone it is enough just to have a rest (to change the surroundings, go somewhere, get occupied with hobby for a while), and the feeling of routine will disappear. If you do not know what to get occupied with, we have the creative job ideas for you.

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The recipes of happiness

If you do not undertake any actions and the situation develops on its own, with time routine will become more oppressive. It may turn into professional stagnation for a worker. According to the experts, such a state is the first signal that professional crisis is coming soon. The situation when an employee from day to day comes to the hated office and carelessly carries out the work he (she) does not like is disastrous as for the company so as for the employee’s professionalism. If a worker feels “professional stagnation”, if Monday morning seems a real torture, then, a so-called professional crisis is obvious. This is the state of the long-term lack of professional development or career growth. It goes about serious employee’s dissatisfaction with his (hers) present position: the same duties, unobvious perspective to climb up the career ladder, the feeling of “career ceiling / top” (

How to overcome such a problem? The options are several. Every expert has some “happiness recipes”. First of all, we need to think about what opportunities are not implemented by a specialist at the current company and present them to the employer. If there is no feedback, it is worth considering the offers of some other companies. It is not necessary to accept the offers, but it will help an employee feel the market and evaluate his (hers) possibilities.

Another advice is to leave your comfort zone. Professional stagnation comes when a specialist has all working processes set, when from day to day he (she) performs the same functions, without making much effort, without learning something new. In addition, if a worker feels that there is no “drive”, no activity, then, this is the stagnation. When a specialist dares to leave the comfort zone, the changes start coming: a worker takes new functions, opens promising horizons, eventually, changes the job, what is one of the most difficult steps for many people. However, if a specialist wants to grow and develop, it is necessary to leave the comfort zone. It is always hard to begin something, but the positive effect will come very soon. Using our help with resume writing, the positive effect is guaranteed as well.

 It should be mentioned that almost all experts talk about an educational aspect. Thus, they prove that it is necessary to study all the time and it is never late to begin. In order to break out of a vicious circle, it is necessary to find out, first of all, what exactly prevents development, and whether it is possible to overcome the restraining factors. If the lack of knowledge prevents growth, it is necessary to start learning: attend courses and training, think about second higher education, etc. For those who realize that there is no perspective for growth at the present workplace, there is only one advice: realize what your desire is and start taking steps to fix the situation. However, do not become too obsessed with what you do:

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For example, an employee works in the accounting department and is interested in financial analysis, at the same time. In this case, it is necessary to undergo further training or some other training course, and after that, offer help in this direction. As an alternative option, it is suggested to change the employer if the situation cannot be fixed at all. In this case, courses, training, and seminars are also obligatory to attend. First of all, this will give you new knowledge. Second of all, it will give you a kind of emotional push. And finally, it implies new acquaintances. Probably, there will be your future employer or colleague. Just in case, always have your resume with you. And do not forget to update it with the professional online resume help.

According to the mind of specialists, the most difficult professional stagnation situation is when “the root of evil” is hidden not in a worker but a company, at which he (she) works. It is much harder to fix the situation if the system of management at company prevents from development. For instance, an employee is tired to perform the same old tasks, and there are no new projects. Naturally, there is no single solution for suchlike situations. Sometimes a sincere talk with employer brings positive results. Most often, an employer has the possibility to help overcome worker’s professional crisis, widening the sphere of duties of suggesting “horizontal” growth as the alternative to “vertical”. If talks and other measures do not help, then, probably there is sense to think about placing your resume on different recruitment portals. Also, there is sense to ask professional resume writers to help you. If you wonder where to buy competitive resume, we are ready to assist.

HR managers and psychologists believe that the necessity for professional growth is a very significant reason for the search of the new workplace. Sometimes, it is better to sacrifice a position at a company rather than lead yourself to the state of absolute profession rejection. Our specialists provide not only online resume writing services, but also they can give advice on various issues related to working processes, relationships with colleagues, office climate, etc. We can help you with any job-related problem.

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Job with rose-colored glasses

What if we fantasize a little bit? Would the situation with professional stagnation change if every worker expresses him(her)self, carrying out a dream job at a dream company? By the way, it is necessary to distinguish the terms “dream job” and “dream company”. Saying “job”, we mean activity / occupation, which brings pleasure and moral satisfaction. Can crisis threaten it? If a worker has a dream job (as a rule, this is a kind of hobby that brings pretty good money), then, the periods when everything seems usual, routine, and not interesting will be rare and short-term. They are easy to overcome. It is enough to “shake up and pull together” (jump with a parachute, attend the courses of calligraphy or pottery, etc.), in general, ensure the change of activity. Everything in our life should be balanced to feel good and stay positive ( Scientists say that the periodic change of activity connected with the new information receiving is very useful for a person and increases the efficiency of one’s main activity, i.e. of a job. Do you want to get a dream job? We offer the best site to order resume, which will bring you the desired position.

If we speak about “dream company”, it implies some idealized company, at which a person would want to work. It should be mentioned that a “dream company” may not match the field of activity of a specialist. Would the expectations of a worker be met, if he (she) is hired for work at such a company? Experts are skeptical about the situation. The sight from inside often changes the idea of a “dream company” at those, who are hired to work there. You need to be careful with your reality perception and ability to find your place in this reality. This is utopia. If everyone would be hired for work at a dream company, then, everyone would be general directors in the biggest and most successful company in the world. Anyway, if a dream company is your goal, a creative professional resume can help you bring your dream to life.

P.S. So what do we eventually have? We find such a job, with which we can cope, for which we have enough experience and knowledge at the moment. In general, any working activity leads to burnout, if you do not start adding new functions, do not try to solve hard tasks, and do not try to conquer the heights. It is important to realize what life goal for a specialist is: to perform routine actions and get some money, or to grow constantly, to self-develop, taking necessary steps to grow and develop. It's up to you to choose. One more thing: never give up and deviate from the intended professional goal. Act and achieve it! With the help of resume professional writers, you can achieve greater result faster!

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10 signs of career stagnation

1. Answering the question “How was your day?”, you usually tiredly sigh and start complaining about your colleagues or reply that there is nothing new, everything is as usual. Do not complain but learn to get along with colleagues instead.

2. The last training you attended was the training on accident prevention, which was obligatory to visit, all workers had to go, it took place two years ago, and you remember nothing but coffee and chocolate cookies during the break.

3. The last time you checked and replenished your contact list was six months ago (or more). The half of telephone numbers is outdated already.

4. Previously you were a member of a professional association in your field and you used to take an active part in its events, however, you left it because … (write your excuse here). If your excuse is “boredom”, we know what can help:

5. Your answer to any sentence automatically begins with the “This is good but…” (add any excuse why this is not for you).

6. When you are appointed or offered to participate in a new project, your first thought is: “Oh no, why me?” or “They will make me do everything, as usual, and I will have to stay longer in office…”.

7. The boss of your boss has no idea about what you do. Or even worse: your direct boss also does not know what you are occupied with at the moment.

8. You are under 45 years old but you already dream about the golden time when you retire and finally dedicate your free time to you. Do not wait to retire and start acting now! Get a resume written by professional writers, get the job you want, and enjoy your life already today.

9. The only person you thanked the previous week was a waiter, who brought you a cup of coffee and your change.

10. Talking about you at work, your colleagues usually say: “Yes, he (she) is a good person but…”. Read the secrets of how to deal with coworkers in our post.

If you have recognized yourself in the mentioned statements, it means your career either already experiences decrease or you are moving to it. Or you are occupied with something you do not really like… The longer you allow this process to last, the more painful your awakening will be.

Do not risk: order professionally written resume

Now you are aware of the career stagnation phenomenon and you know what to do if it occurs. In addition, if you want to be aware of where to get a professionally created resume or where to update your present one, the answer is right here. Our online company with its professional team of resume writers offers the best resume related services on the web. Our customers get not only papers of the highest quality, but also they are provided with discounts, numerous bonuses, and pleasant perks. With our help, the job of your dream will be no longer dream but reality! Contact us anytime for more information.

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