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Do you want to have such a resume that presents you as a real professional, highlights your strengths, smooths out weaknesses, and guarantees many job interview invitations? Get it all, ordering resume services online. There is a great misleading that professional services are obligatory expensive. The cost of our services is affordable. Besides, we provide discounts, flexible payment system, and various bonuses. Our regular, as well as new customers, always get more. Order your professional resume here and be sure it will help you succeed. In the meantime, we want to present another post published on our blog. It will be especially useful for those who suffer from such a problem as absent-mindedness.

How to fight absentmindedness?

Do you know the feeling when you cannot remember something you have been doing a minute ago? Has anyone ever told you that you have your head in the clouds? An absent-minded person is less trusted than a collected person. Absentmindedness can become an obstacle to achieve your goals. However, it can be resisted. Thus, you will become more successful, spend less time on tasks solving, become more effective and productive (https://resume-writer.net/blog/best-way-to-improve-your-productivity).

What is absentmindedness? What are its causes and how to fight it? All this you will learn from our post. Let us consider several types of absentmindedness.

True inattention. This is a state that can be called prostration. You cannot focus attention on a single thing, your mind wanders, and it looks like you cannot realize fully what is going on. You abstract from the environment. The interest in what happens around gets lost, and you literary do not fix the thoughts that appear chaotically in your head. Your attention is dispersed and you are not able to cope with the task set. If you lack attention, we can help find the best custom resume writing service on the web so that you do not need to deal with this on your own.

The phenomenon of road hypnosis. Have you ever lost the feeling of time on the road? When it seemed that only 30 minutes passed, but in fact, almost 2 hours passed. This is a kind of “time fail” and it occurs not only when you go somewhere by car. Everyone knows that when a person is occupied with something, time flies faster, and when there is nothing to do, the minutes seem hours. Such an effect of “time fail” can be caused by any monotonous work. Luckily, our experts love what they do and guarantee professional resumes editing of high quality.

Imaginary absentmindedness. This absentmindedness is caused by one’s inability to focus attention on all objects at once. This is the negative consequence of excessive concentration on a single object at the expense of everything else. You have probably met people who think about a single idea or try to solve some task and do not notice other people and things around them. This is the reason why creative people are called absent-minded. They often have a single thought or go to their own world, having stopped noticing the real world. When our thoughts are occupied with a single idea, we do not notice the rest around us and become absent-minded.

Motivationally-caused inattention. This kind of absentmindedness was described by Sigmund Freud in his book “Psychopathology of everyday life” and some other his works. The point is that a person purposely (but not always consciously) avoids some objects or actions, and due to this he (she) seems absent-minded. Another reason for absentmindedness can be a prolonged rest, for example, holidays or vacation. We have several useful tips on how to start working after vacations.

The causes of absentmindedness and ways to get rid of it

Lack of sleep. We all know that quality sleep is very important. A sleepy person loses concentration, becomes inattentive and absent-minded. In order to avoid this and other negative consequences of the lack of sleep, you need to make it a habit to go to sleep and wake up at the same time and observe the hygiene of sleep. Define how many hours you need to restore your powers (for someone 5 hours are enough, someone needs 8 or more hours) and sleep as much as you need. If you fail to sleep on time or you need to wake up earlier than usual, you can take a nap in the daytime. Also, pay attention to other alternative ways of sleep. By the way, our resume fixing service works 24/7 so we are always at your disposal, regardless of time and day.

Concentration on a single thing. This is the narrow-minded perception when you pay attention only to the selected object and the rest is ignored and not perceived.

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Lack of desire to concentrate attention. We forget to do something when we do not want to do it due to different reasons. Sometime we may not realize the reasons or they may have only some slight relation to the action. You have probably experienced it. Recollect a case when you forget to do something that you initially do not want to do. In order to avoid such absentmindedness and not to forget to carry out assignments, you need to start fixing everything you need to do. It is recommended to buy a small notebook and a pen and always carry them with you. Thus, you will not only avoid forgetting the things you need to carry out and become more responsible and executive but also you can always write down some unexpected idea that comes to your mind. They say if a thought is not fixed on paper, you may consider there is no thought at all.

Also, do not forget about the rule of Brian Tracy and begin your day with the most unpleasant task. You are full of energy and less vulnerable to stress and means you will cope better and it will require less effort. If you “eat a frog” in the morning, the rest of your day will be wonderful. Something worse will not happen. Read more about “Ugly Frog Theory” here: https://resume-writer.net/blog/ugly-frogs-theory-or-how-to-cope-with-tasks-at-work.

Monotony. It causes the road hypnosis phenomenon. If you have limited time (for instance, you have a meeting in 2 hours and you do not want to be late because now you are reading a new interesting book and may lose the track of time), you can just set the alarm, and then, no one will call you absent-minded or non-punctual.

Limited brain memory. Working memory of the brain is limited. Scientists say that you can keep in your head no more than seven pieces of information simultaneously. For instance, you go to the kitchen to make tea. You look at the table and think that it would be nice to buy a new tablecloth. Your phone rings, this is your boss who says that you need to change interface color of your company website from blue to red, add contacts for feedback in the page bottom and add a section “about us”. You carefully try to remember all boss’ requirements to start working on them later. Then, your friend calls and says that he has seen Brad Pitt on the subway and invites you to go to the concert of your favorite band on Saturday. You do not believe him, of course, but you memorize the story and try not to forget about the concert. Then, you stumble upon the fridge and think that it is time to buy a new one. Stop… What was the reason you went to the kitchen? Tablecloth, interface color, contacts, a new section, Brad Pitt, concert, new fridge – seven pieces of information. There is no room for tea. We are sure that the situation is familiar to you. This is okay. The random access memory capacity of our brain does not change and it is always seven plus or minus two (for different types of information). The solution to this problem is obvious: do not overload random access memory. Do not perform several tasks simultaneously. Perceive new information when previous is already perceived and stored in long-term memory to avoid forgetting it.

Now you know what types of absentmindedness exist and what causes them. Forewarned is forearmed. If you use the tips given in our post, you will become less absent-minded, more effective and productive. It will be easier to work and you will manage to carry out more tasks. Stop being absent-minded and become the better version of you. Good luck!

Make the right choice: cooperate with a certified resume writing service

In general, not only absentmindedness can be an obstacle to carry out your job well. If you feel that your present occupation does not suit you much, it can be a strong reason to look for something more suitable, something you will like and do with passion. If you seriously think about a job change, we advise to review and update your resume. The best option is to appeal to the professional resume writers who will help you do the required changes. If you give your preference to our online agency, you are guaranteed to get a competently written selling resume paper, discount on your order, free formatting, and other pleasant bonuses. Send us your request and wait for your classy resume.

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