Balance Between Work And Life: Why So Important


Balance between work and lifeSometimes, it can be not easy at all to balance a job with personal life. This issue interests the modern world more and more. That is why, many specialists work on it, and there are already many tips on how to achieve this. Anyway, in order to think about it, there are two obligatory criteria: you need to have a job and personal life, naturally. If your personal life development depends on you and only you completely, then from our side, we can help with the work issue, for sure. Who are we? Professional resume writers online! How can we help? There is no secret that the work search begins with the resume building. Create the best one on our site! We can make your resume selling, you will receive dozens of the interview invitations. Our customers always get employed. Order to write or edit it on our site, and you will be guaranteed high quality at the modest prices along with the outstanding resume format. Do not miss the chance to change your life for the better.

Work and life: how to find balance?

A job requires from us such feedback that we often just do not have time or energy for our personal life. We can feel this imbalance but we continue rushing, without changing at least something. And what now? Are not you tired of such life? Many middle-aged people ask themselves this question. Unfortunately, often the answer is not very pleasant and the life picture is not very joyful: a typical “corporate fighter”, absorbed in work, without (or with a very poor) personal life. It happens that, having seen such picture, people decide to take drastic measures: quit a job, spend more time with their families, travel etc. Thus, they realize that it is not so much difficult to maintain a balance between work and personal life, but only on condition that there is no job… This is a hardly useful skill, especially when you run out of money (cheap professional CV writing services in the UK will not let you run out of money). There is no other way out but come back to work. There are people who have faced and overcome such situations, and they share their own life experience on how to maintain a balance between work and personal life. There are many books devoted to this issue. We have gathered several main pieces of advice that such books present.

Honesty with yourself

The first step in any problem solving is to admit that it exists and you are experiencing it at the moment. That is why, you need to tell yourself honestly: “the work and career are incompatible with a full and meaningful permanent participation in a young family life. Thousands of people lead a life full of quiet despair, spending long hours at a job they hate, to buy the stuff they do not need, in fact, and impress people they do not care for”.

Full responsibility

The authorities and corporations will never solve this problem for us. If we do not plan our life on our own, someone will do it instead of us (and more likely you will not like such “balance”). We and only we must take responsibility for the setting and observing borders in our own life. In the meantime, the best resume website will take responsibility for your resume paper creation.

Realistic plans

It is forbidden to plan something unrealistic, something you cannot bring to life. “A perfectly balanced day” is an illusion: 24 hours cannot contain and cover everything we want. A personal life “balancing” step should be wider. However, do not go to extremes and think: “I will start living my life in full when I retire / when I get divorced / when something happens”. Now it seems to us that a day is too short, when we retire, a day will seem too long. Look for the golden mean.

Versatile approach

Do not forget about different life sides. It is enough to say yourself: “Now, except the office, I will start going to the gym”. There are so many things in life: an intellectual (mental) component, emotional and spiritual. Each component requires our attention if we want to achieve balance.

All this may sound frightening. You often lack time for your family. You probably do not go to the gym or forget to call your mother time to time. Everyone can understand this. However, at least sometimes you can leave the office an hour earlier, pick up your child from school, go to a café or any other place. This is not something extraordinary. You just spend some time with your family members, but your child will probably say that this is the best day of the life.

This example clearly demonstrates how much important details are. The balance achievement in our life is not always connected with some extreme changes. Making a small contribution when necessary, it becomes possible to change the quality of your relationships and your life, in general. There is more, it can change even our society. The more people start following it, the sooner a dominant idea that the life success is measured by the money amount will be replaced with a more meaningful and balanced idea of what a happy life is.

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Work and life: looking for balance

Our desire to get decent money and grow professionally is absolutely natural and legal (speaking about professionalism, get experienced help with CV writing on our site). The question is not about that. The question is «How not to miss the life while we earn the money?».

Let us imagine: a leading bank worker (that is a mother of two children) is offered to be the head of a department. Do you realize what consequences it may have for one's career? In this case, she considered all advantages and disadvantages and understood that neither «more prestigious post» nor «new opportunities» can compensate the balance built for many years that allows leading normal and comfortable life. New business is a new huge responsibility and new duties that will definitely require personal «sacrifice» and much energy ( However, at the moment, she does not want all this. Naturally, such refusal involves some risk: the refusal now can close all the future perspectives. However, right now, she risks losing something else more important in this period of life.

Cult of a job

The situation described previously is not much common today but it happens. On the one hand, we want to grow and develop, move up the career ladder and reach the high posts. On the other hand, having achieved certain results, we start realizing that we do not want to let our job occupy our life entirely. So, what place should a job take in our life? Previously there was a stereotype that everyone had to work and would have a rest and deal with some favorite occupation when retire. Now this stereotype gets weaker. If a person has more or less satisfying financial state, then, he (she) thinks more about what is more interesting and attractive to be occupied with. Such person can even change a job. If you are interested, here are the pieces of career advice for extroverts, in addition.

Today, 76% of employees are satisfied with their jobs, and 46% claim they would not change their job even if they had financial support for such step. However, if at the career beginning young specialists are more focused on the high salaries, then, gaining experience, they start paying attention to other criteria: are we interested in what we spend our time and strengths on; do we feel comfortable where we spend the most share of our time; do we have an opportunity to rest, to spend time with the close ones and alone?

Such questions are relatively new: the representatives of the previous generations have not had the opportunities to aim for such life level (and achieve it, even working hard), which we have now. Besides, previously it was believed that the hard work did not contradict the inner well-being of a man. Furthermore, it was claimed that the «work self-sacrifice» could be the happy life guarantee. Of course, these mottoes and various life situations are left in the past. Who can claim today that, giving all powers to a career today, something essential will not be lost? Keep in mind the careerism pluses and minuses all the time.

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Logic of changes

During the last decades many people personally experienced what it is like to be fired or unemployed and how much hard it can be to find a job ( Many people realized they did not want to do what they had been doing before. And some of them were courageous enough to change their activity field and start doing what they really liked. Although, there are really many people that prefer a stable job at the seemingly stable companies. The time of changes is always hard, but it always offers many new opportunities. Those, who manage to find the strengths and change something, often achieve really good or even great results. In this case you realize that you totally love your job.

Are women demanded?

The changes period influenced women especially. Women always worked. There were times when women used to sit at home taking care of their children. However, today the society dictates us new harsh norms: in order to be a successful woman, it is necessary to combine at least four tasks: work, children, hobby and study (to improve professional knowledge). As you can see, a harmonious family life is not on the list. Read a related post on how to answer any rude sexist interview question.

Young active women are not afraid of such conditions. Having many ambitions and good education, just like men, they build a career, face the twelve-hour work day, the necessity to spend the weekend at the office or to attend different meetings and conferences late at night. However, having lived several years in such rhythm, many women start asking themselves: «I used to work like an obsessed, even on vacation (if I had it) I continued thinking about the clients, budget and business plans. But when to create and have a family?»

Modern women often make a pause in their career for a while, build a family, have children. Then, they come back to their work and very often they catastrophically lack time that they could devote to their families. They love their job and sometimes even claim they could not live without it. However, at the same time they are crazy about what they do. People who choose the most unusual jobs really love them. Usually, only one sphere of their life can be called successful, either professional or personal. That is why, some women have to reject higher salaries and bigger responsibility, giving their preference to stability and normal work schedule. Otherwise, they have to be the regular customers of the agencies that offer baby-sitting and housekeeping services. In such situations each woman has to make a choice, and it is not always obvious as it may seem.

Conscious choice

Our modern society always makes people exceed themselves and their possibilities to achieve and hold the success wave. Thus, we face an extreme psychological work load: you need to be effective, supervise the constantly changing labor market state, build and keep useful relationships (just in case).

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No wonder that under such tensed life conditions people want to have a complete personal life “on the other side”. So what do we want, in fact? If the aims to «work less»» and «live better» seem unreal, we can always reconsider and define our personal priorities and (having refused everything less important or unimportant at all) and make a conscious choice. We can feel the life fully when we do what we like and what interests us. Our values are hidden in the things we like. The things that interest us hide our talents, thirst for creativity and knowledge. This is the opportunities given to us by nature and fate. The world has much and is ready to share it with us. Everything we need is inside and around us. However, often we do not notice this, we live seized by the stereotypes. We need to find some inner support to interact with the world and people around us more gently and flexibly. It might be useful to read about the relationships between the employers and employees:

Balance between work and life

Work and personal life balance: how to achieve it?

Nowadays, the task to combine a personal and work sphere of life is pretty difficult. We are being torn between the work and home, trying to manage to do everything. It often turns out that one of the spheres is neglected. We will try to give some more useful tips on how to succeed in both spheres with the minimum harm.


Define what is more important and what less, but do not lie to yourself. Do not try to adjust your principles to what is «accepted». Ask yourself: «If I could do only one thing in my life, what would I choose? What would I choose the second? The third?» The answers are your real priorities, keep them in your mind.

Mind the time

Organize a test week for you: count how much time you spend on the things that are not so much important or necessary. Check your priorities list and «cut» everything excess or delegate some of your tasks to someone else.

Do not do two things at once

Forget about the multitasking. Only some unique people are able to cope successfully with two or more tasks simultaneously. Most people work well, being focused on a single task. If you are working at the moment, you need to be focused on your work only. If you spend time with your family, there should be no thoughts about the work.

Create your own daily ritual

Choose an occupation, for which you will allocate some time every day. It can be anything: going to the gym, reading the books, going to the museums, massage or just 30 minutes of everyday silence and complete loneliness. It depends on your tastes. Let this occupation be a part of your obligatory program. If needed, here are the pieces of career advice for introverts.

Respect personal time

Do not try to increase the number of hours in a day at the expense of your personal time. Of course, there are unpredictable and emergency cases, but more often a sudden work problem can wait some time.

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Look attentively at your habits

If you sleep not enough, do not eat well, lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend little time outside, then, no tips will help you find harmony. It is banal but fact. However, choosing one of these jobs for creative people, you may benefit greatly.

Do not forget about vacation

A person needs to have a rest from work for two weeks in a year, at least. Holidays and weekends are not taken into consideration, in this case. It is not necessarily to go somewhere far and spend much money on a rest. The most important is to turn the work thoughts off. Turn off your cell phone, do not use the programs you usually use for work. Imagine that you do not have work at all and just relax.

Tell people around you about your actions

Talk to your close ones, friends, colleagues, tell them you want to plan your life differently. Ask for their support, understanding and explain that your goal is to be successful in both spheres. Are you wondering how to communicate with some of your co-workers? Get the answer here:

Add a little sport to your life

It might seem that adding something to a tight schedule is senseless. However, an additional physical load helps get rid of the mental load, relieve stress and eventually makes you more productive (here are the productivity increasing hints for you). No one talks about the long hours of an intense workout. It is absolutely enough to do some morning exercises, to run or just to dance actively. You will be surprised but you will feel more energy after that.

Set the clear limits

Thanks to modern technologies it is possible to work without leaving your house. The mobile offices and round-the-clock working computers are not that much great and convenient as it may seem. Set the clear limits and rules: when you are at work, your family members should not disturb you (only in emergency cases, of course, it is allowed). And vice versa, when you are with your family, no work issues should bother you. If you do not have a separate work phone, then, it would be better to turn it off at all, or mute it at least.

Find a role model

Look around. Look for a person that, as you think, has found an optimal combination of the work and personal time. Try to do the same or ask for advice. If there is a chance, ask that person how he (she) sets priorities and limits. By the way, if you need help with your cover letter, we advise the most experienced in the UK cover letter writing services online.

Learn to refuse

Do not agree to solve someone's problems at the first call. Be able to refuse when the one that asks for help can solve everything without you. It does not mean you have to be heartless. Just keep in mind your priorities and be able to say firm but polite «no».

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Analyze your situation and hold the success

It is impossible to reach balance that will keep itself on its own. A harmonious existence will always require some efforts. The point is that it is much easier to keep the existing balance rather than create it from scratch. Analyze your actions and observe the got effect. Do not give up facing the first difficulties. You need to be persistent and these personal effectiveness skills may help.

There will not be an immediate result. This is not the case when you will become an absolutely new person at once. Be patient and look for your golden middle. The most challenging is to want to change something in your life and have the courage to take the first steps. Do it anytime when you are ready! By the way, our cover letter editor works 24/7, so use it anytime as well.

Several simple ways to achieve balance eventually

The feeling of harmony between the most important spheres of our life, personal life and work, is what everyone aims for. Trying to find balance, it is necessary to remember that you need to find such combination that is comfortable for you. Everyone is different: for one person a career is above all, for another one the family is the most precious treasure. If you feel absolutely lost or you go to extremes trying to be great at everything, it means it is time to change something. Follow our advice, first, it can be really helpful. We are going to sum up everything mentioned previously.

Balance between work and life

1. Do not try to deal with everything. It is impossible to be everywhere and all the time. However, many people forget about it, chasing the perfect «I». Accept this and learn to prioritize correctly. Did you prefer to go to the zoo instead of a business lunch ( Do not blame yourself. If you made such choice, it meant that family was more important at that moment. If you feel like work exhausts you and the tasks are being accumulated, delegate them: an assistant can help with the work tasks, and the family members can help with the house duties.

2. Analyze what you spend your time on. Make a test: allocate half an hour every day to write down everything you spend your time on. Do not miss the social networks and phone calls. Your list will definitely contain such things that do not belong to the essential ones or you may even realize that they are useless at all. Try to get rid of them for some time at least, and you will see that there are more opportunities to implement really essential tasks.

3. Plan your businesses clearly. Make up a plan of the week tasks and plan every day according to it. This is especially important if you do not work at the office but at home, where the chances to get distracted are extremely high (with our tips you can easily increase productivity of work at home). Decide how many hours you are going to spend working today and hang the task list in front of you. Try to plan the days off on the weekend even if you have a free schedule. It will be pleasant for your family and friends to spend time with you, and you will manage to keep the work rhythm, without feeling as if you work twenty-four hours per day seven days per week.

4. Do not do the work and personal tasks at the same time. Learn to relax completely and forget about the job for a while. Are you meeting with your friends? Do not answer the phone calls then. Going on a date? Do not check your email for one evening at least. Your personal time is the time of a total rest from work. Enjoy communication and try to spend this time without your cell phone.

5. Respect the time of your close ones. Respect your family and friends as you respect your partners and colleagues ( Treat your domestic duties as much attentively as your work duties. If you follow these simple rules, you will avoid the quarrels, offense, misunderstanding, and instead you can get many pleasant moments spent with your close ones. Decorate a Christmas tree with your family members, have breakfast with your wife in a café, take your son home after classes: these are the priceless trifles that form our life, and which we should never neglect.

6. Take care of your health. Without harmony with yourself and your body there cannot be harmony with the surrounding world. That is why, take care of yourself. Looking for balance between work and personal life to the detriment of sleep and rest is not just unreasonable but even harmful. Be sure to get enough sleep, watch what you eat, find time for sports and spend more time outside (far away from your computer). And do not forget about vacation! Also, allow yourself to be a little bit lazy, sometimes, at least 15 minutes per day. This is useful to all of us.

7. Share your experience. Sometimes, the view from the outside can help us look at ourselves in a new way. Talk to your co-workers, friends, relatives, share your thoughts and ask for advice. Probably, among them there are those who have found balance and will gladly share personal experience. We also want to share our advice and help to get a job with no experience.

8. Find your “golden middle”. We are surrounded by many made-up false standards. However, we should never forget that our life is our choice, and everyone has its own recipe of happiness. Listen to yourself and realize what really matters. Only in such a way you will achieve personal harmony. We are absolutely sure you can do it!

Now, it is more or less clear how to balance these two essential spheres of life. We always try to take care of our customers and give them everything the best, realizing that there are so many other things they need to think about. That is why, we want to help with the resume papers at least. Order resume or CV here and get: bonuses, freebies and discounts, complete privacy, reasonable prices, up-to-date resume format, support from the best resume writers. Our on-site support is available anytime. Visit the website: much more useful information is waiting for you there.

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