How To Make People Work As You Want: FBI Negotiator Secrets


Make people work as you want

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Sometimes, it is not that easy at all to find a work. It can be even harder to find a good work. Each job seeker has to start at least with something. However, this is not an obligatory rule. Online resume agency can create such resume, which helps to get desired well-paid position in a good company. Our agency offers formatting, fixing, correction, editing and other related resume services. Resumes created with our professionals make HR managers and employers act as you want, i.e. they willingly hire you for work. Our specialists not only guarantee great quality, they also promise complete privacy, flexible payment system, many discounts and various bonuses. Our professional resume writer service has affordable costs, and its result is priceless! Now we would like to present useful tips on how any employee, potential or present, can make others do what he or she wants.

How to make people work as you want: FBI negotiator shares secrets

Ex specialist on prisoners’ rescuing Mark Goulston shared several secrets of how to make people act as one wants. During last two years Mark conducted many role games. He pretended to be a policeman who wanted to commit suicide, was holding a gun and threatening to shoot himself. FBI agents and policemen participated in training, the task of which was to convince him not to commit suicide. “In the end of a game I usually made a shot and then explained what they need to ask or say to make me quit my intention”, - Goulston explains. Today he gives consultations on business, writes books, and uses in his training for managers of big experience, which he has gained during his work in FBI. Goulston shared a couple of tips on how to make people (customers, co-workers or even managers) do what one wants or needs. Meanwhile, we share tips and offer help to fix resume.

1. Let them speak. When one asks about something or makes a hint what he would like to get, it is required to stop and let other person say everything he / she wants. “As soon as this person starts talking, he (or she) will feel necessity to do something he (she) is asked about”, - Goulston explains. This person on his (hers) own will decide that it is necessary to do what is asked without begging. However, if the only person who talks is the one who asks about something, then others will just stop paying attention to his (hers) words or will treat them as if they are commanded, consequently, they will not have desire to do anything (

2. Adjectives and adverbs in interlocutor’s speech are important. “Adjective is a way to decorate a noun, and adverb is decoration for a verb. Both these parts of speech characterize emotional background of interlocutor”, - Goulston says. When a person finishes speaking, even if it is just a question, make a pause and instead of answer say: “Hm…” (it will give a signal that interlocutor’s words are heard and now other interlocutor is thinking on them). After that say something about adjectives and adverbs, which speaker has used. It will help to understand what really has importance for interlocutor, thus, will encourage to pay more attention to negotiations, consequently that person will also become interested in helping. Our experts are interested in being among the best resumes writing companies.

For example, if a person, one is talking to, uses adjective “wonderful” in relation to any solution option and after that makes a question, try to react like this: “I can answer your question, but first tell me about that wonderful solution”. It will make person to reveal him- / herself on deeper level rather than if an interlocutor just answers question at once. “The more interlocutor reveals, the more attentively he (she) will listen to what is said”, - Goulston claims.

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3. Encourage to “fill in the gaps”. “Making someone questions, we make other person feel awkward recollecting as once this person has felt awkward because of parents, teachers or coaches. Thus, we place ourselves in opposite position to interlocutor”, - Goulston says. In such case, a person reflectively makes a step back. In order to avoid suchlike situations, make questions and ask to “fill in the gaps”. For example, asking “What can be done from your side in case X?” it sounds like “You have to give me a sufficient answer, otherwise…”. This provokes confrontation. It is better to ask in “I would like to know” style: “So, what is your plan? / And your intention is …”. Due to such approach, we involve other man into our proposal without making him (her) think that we are against him (her).

4. Appeal to positive memories. Believe it or not, but almost every time we ask someone about offer, we provoke unconscious memories. “The trick is to provoke positive, not negative ones”, - Mark Goulston claims. If a person has positive associations with our request, he (she) will have bigger desire to implement it. Once Goulston asked a woman, one of his clients, why she had chosen him instead of female coach. She replied: “You are like an elder brother to me, who protects, who is intelligent, funny and a little bit rude. When you point at something that should be changed in my life, instead of arguing I obey, because I feel love and warmth in your words”.

5. Do not “pull the blanket”. A good way to make people do what we need is to let them feel their importance. People can be divided into two categories: one is those, who sympathize, develop companion’s words and add something to them; another one is those, who “pull the blanket over themselves” or take any initiative to speak about themselves, or try to place themselves higher than companion. For example: “It looks like your trip to Florida was nice. Meanwhile, we went to Fiji”. Do not repeat this mistake, and mistakes in resume paper can be avoided or removed with tips for resume editing.

The first ones let companion feel that his (hers) words are important; meanwhile, others make impression that they listen only because they also want to speak or even humiliate someone else. For example, a person that sympathizes will say: “What a great idea! Smart and creative. We can go even further and make X, if you believe it may work out” (if interested, read about jobs in the creative arts industry). The one who takes any initiative will reply: “Your idea is nice, but I have already presented my variant to boss and he likes it. So, probably it would be better to do as I have already suggested”.

6. Concentrate on the future. People do not like critics. They start to defend when others begin to discuss a case, in which they have failed. So, if we want to avoid being discussed or want other person to act differently henceforth, we should not stick to past. It is better to say: “I would be very grateful if further you could do X, it will be very useful for the whole team” ( Let companion realize that his (hers) efforts are appreciated. We need to explain why it is important. It allows people to feel that they make significant contribution to a common business. When we try to convince people, they often feel that we pressure them. When we are focused on what they would like to hear, they treat better our thoughts.

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How to make subordinates work effectively

Are subordinates lazy? Do they lack initiative and desire for work? There is a tested way to turn them into hard-working employees. Sometimes, subordinates come to office just to drink coffee, talk to co-workers, surf the internet, simultaneously they dream about brilliant career and monthly paid bonuses. Meanwhile, their managers or heads of department cannot even punish them or increase salary, because suchlike matters do not belong to their range of responsibilities ( Of course, there is a variant to observe this without doing anything. Though, there are much better options.

Twisting nuts

Very first thing that comes to mind is to make more strict control and perform “punishing’ operations. Yell at men, who fail to fulfill something in time, scold them in front of other workers. Nevertheless, it is absolutely real to manage tasks at work successfully. At the beginning it all works, but consequently we will come up to completely opposite result – demotivation. Subordinates will be frightened. Fear of facing a task they will not cope with will destroy any desire for work. Also, punished person does not always strive for self-improvement. In good case, this person learns to avoid punishment, in bad case he (she) changes workplace. If one decides to change it, these unusual ways to land a job might be helpful.

An expert from manager development school says: make remarks correctly. First of all, talk to subordinates about their mistakes only in private. Second of all, do not put labels on them, always discuss particular situation and do not allow statements like “Everyone knows how lazy you are”. Thirdly, do not begin conversation with shouting: “Why did you make twenty-five mistakes in a document?!”, but ask calmly: “How did it happen?”. In this case it becomes easier to know the consequences of a worker’s actions, instead of listening to “gigabits” of excuses. Having learnt what actions have been undertaken, it becomes possible to correct work algorithm for the future.

Also, announce to a subordinate what will happen if remarks are taken into consideration and what will happen if they are ignored. Just inform, do not threaten, then image of understanding manager will not be destroyed and an employee will realize made mistakes.

Competition. It may seem childish, but public recognition of one’s achievements influence person as much effectively as a money reward. Competition for best worker title is a very effective stimulus, although, it is necessary to avoid silliness, repetitions on others’ ideas, paper work during its organization and holding. Do not create “desk of honor”, but make a prize, which should look absolutely not serious, and once per month publicly give it to best of the best. However, do not overdo: in a competitive environment spirit of competition is developed. Person, who is afraid of “give up positions”, stop sharing experience, and when he (she) has vacation or retires, working process can just stop.

In order to avoid argues in a team, make an emphasis that a worker should work better than guys from other competitor team, but not better than members of the same team. Also, add to criterion of individual productivity criterion of mutual help (additionally, we have prepared productive working at home hints). Praise particular employee, but emphasize that his winnings combine achievements of the whole team.

Role model. During general hard work, he sits calmly in his office chair, putting his feet on the table… Such image of a boss remains in past. The more effectively boss works, the more effectively subordinate work. It is difficult to convince employees to be at work at ten, when their manager comes at midday. Is there desire to get correctly built reports from employees or make them dig a hole next to hence? Conduct for them an improvised master class. When there is much work, undertake difficult tasks and implement them better and faster than others. With the help of CV writing professional service such worker can create really perfect CV or resume paper.

Experts say even if manager forgets how to perform some kind of work, it should take very little time to recollect it and demonstrate to subordinates how it should be done. However, be afraid to come close to men who want to “sit on one’s neck” and live using others’ brain. When situation is calm, insist that employees should perform their work on their own.

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How to make people work?

According to different data, an average worker wastes about two hours for nothing. Two out of eight hours, what means one fourth of a working day! Is it exaggeration? No more, no less. However, the meaning is not that all people are lazy and do nothing at all. The main reason why working time is wasted is that, as a rule, a worker is not motivated to work (not because one does not want it). Nowadays it is very popular to build various motivating schemes in relation to workers. Their aim without doubts is honorable: we need to strive for achievement of particular results, not just to office visiting by employees. However, approach to motivation is often very banal and formal, so that any good idea becomes absolutely useless. Answering question “why do people need jobs”, we can find correct motivation.

Motivation is not just a motivating scheme. Motivation in different forms is always present: without it people are just not able to work. Another matter is that a person can perform his (hers) duties formally or can be really concerned about work. This fact belongs to the category of things, which everyone is aware about, but which are still ignored. For example, when person has his own business, he often thinks: “I pay money these employees, but they do nothing, avoid work, although, I work days and nights!”. He really works very hard, earning not much more than his subordinates. However, the difference is that he has motivation, meanwhile, his workers lack it. No one wants to work too hard for someone’s business if personal benefit is absent. It would seem that everything is clear and obvious. However, in fact it is not so. Most employers come up to motivation issue incorrectly (such employers should get acquainted with how to become good boss tips). There are several the most significant factors, which are often neglected in this matter.

1. Level of motivation for managers and operating workers is different. For the first group it is almost always higher. Meanwhile, managers personally believe that they make heroic actions by working more than others. Do not consider that if a manager spends twelve-fourteen hours in office, it means he is more hard-working than a clerk that leaves workplace at 6p.m. prices. It is like in boxing: people of different weight category cannot be compared.

2. Motivation and “sales percent” is not the same. There are people, who are motivated by sales (they are usually occupied with sales), and there are people, for whom such motivation is forbidden, but it does not mean at all that that person is lazy.

3. Formal and real motivation may differ a lot. For example, in a company a certain motivating scheme is accepted, but people psychologically are not ready to implement it or something prevents them from it. It happens that system itself is incorrectly built: wrong indicators are taken, things of small importance are encouraged, etc. Thus, in a company main criterion for awards and bonuses making can be precise following of work schedule: worker has to spend eight hours at workplace, being late for more than ten minutes is not allowed (otherwise, there is punishment provided), lunch is no more than one hour (otherwise, punishment), etc. employees in this case will be much more concerned about calculation of hours they spend in office, instead of implementation of particular tasks.

4. Motivation can work only when possibilities and responsibilities of a worker are matched. If a manager demands to achieve some results but limits worker’s possibilities (“do as I say, I want result”), then there cannot be any motivation at a worker. There is more, employee even does not have possibility to influence result, since he is just an executor of someone’s will, meanwhile, this will can be wrong. As a result it turns out that an employee carries responsibility for something he cannot influence. Here we see direct way to two things: employees dismissing along with stuck of work in a company. So, how to keep a job tips can be useful.

5. Inner atmosphere, corporate principles, psychological climate of a company has a huge importance for motivation. We can whatever much say “we are cheerful, full of energy”, but if this is deception, then there will not be positive result ( If employee feels that something in a company can be achieved only having necessary relationships or something like this, this employee will never be motivated (correct relationship between an employee and employer is presented in our blog). Work productivity under unhealthy psychological climate condition is being reduced by many times.

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Building of motivation system

Building certain motivating schemes, of course, should be based on what specialists they are made for. Naturally, these schemes differ for salesmen, marketers, accountants, programmers, HR managers, designers etc.. Although, there are common principles, which should be followed creating any suchlike system:

1. Each worker should see what and what for he (she) makes, how work is evaluated, what goals are set. For this purpose there should be clear criteria of evaluation, which workers should be aware of. There should not be information vacuum, half-said unclear phrases like “today we have these rules, tomorrow they are different”. Otherwise, people cannot plan not only their career in particular company, but even everyday work (here are key points of career planning). Each worker needs to understand how he (she) can achieve more, increase income, get new post, etc.

2. Work should be treated as a part of man’s life and opportunity for self-realization, not as time, which one does not want but has to spend due to objective reasons. This depends on many reasons, but the most essential one is organizational culture of a company: if it gives opportunity for realization thanks to achievement of certain results, then people will work, if there is no such opportunity, then nothing should be expected from them.

In motivation psychological features of people should also be taken into consideration. Each person differs a lot, thus, motivation for each one can be also different. Naturally, common for everyone or almost everyone points exist. However, still without consideration of individual features, motivation cannot be built. It can be explained with a simple example.

A woman with a little child can strive for spending more time in company of a child, husband, other relatives ( Thus, she evaluates opportunities provided by employer from her opinion. It can be important for her to be allowed to leave workplace / go home earlier. At the same time, different events on corporate culture increase, team building can cause dissatisfaction at her: she might treat them as something absolutely useless, but something that takes her time.

However, a young man targeted at career growth can make huge efforts and work harder if he realizes that it will be noticed and appreciated. For him excess time is the time, which he potentially wastes for further development and career.

These two persons can occupy same positions. In such case motivation system for them, as a rule, is built also same (if it is built in general). In fact, the result is that one of employees does not get what he (she) wants.

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How to define motivation?

Very often at interviews we can hear from candidates such a phrase: “Career growth is very important to me” (useful questions before interview). Recruiters usually react to such statement like this: “What does career growth mean to you?”. Thus, they want to understand whether a candidate is really motivated for growth or just tries to hide behind this formulation something else. An applicant can respond like this: “Growth is a possibility for promotion in some period of time”. In this case HR manager will hardly treat career growth as motivation for a candidate (also, read other tips along with resume hints from HR). Answer also can be different: “For me, career growth is possibility to plan my career in a company basing on achievement of certain indicators clear and transparent, so that these indicators achievement is dependent on my work”. Here growth motivation is expressed stronger.

However, interviews are interviews, but real motivation of an employee can be seen only during work. Worker shows via behavior what he (she) is interested in, that is priority, what is secondary. If worker not only performs duties well, but also plans how work can be done even more effectively (professional advice is always useful:, simultaneously start to implement particular tasks independently without looking for others to do them, I all shows motivation for growth. Also, such behavior should be consistent and based on reaching of real indicators and new tasks setting, not on imitation of hard activity and attempts to be involved in any business.

Many candidates say about material motivation as the best option. It naturally has much sense. However, it needs to be defined whether desire to increase income is motivation, not just wish. If a worker is ready to take extra work and responsibility, successfully coping with main work, is ready to show result of the work and further speak about necessity to take these achievements into consideration from the point of view of salary increase, then this is a normal motivation. If a man works well, fixes his results, demonstrates positive dynamics to managers with request to increase wages, it means he has healthy material motivation. However, if man says that he would work better, but salary is too low, so there is no sense to work harder, then this is not motivation but unprofessional approach to business. If one is hired for work, it means he (she) has agreed to implement certain duties. Exactly, to implement, and not to promise to implement for bigger salary. So, the main criterion in material motivation defining is a worker’s opportunity to prove that he (she) works really well and is ready to deserve wages increase.

Work conditions are also important motivation for many people. It can be defined by observing a worker. If manager notices that an employee works well in general, but is late sometimes or dresses not according to dress-code, still this is not the reason to make remarks or punish him (her). Otherwise, real motivation of a man will disappear, he will work worse, even trying to follow all formalities. In this case, formally there is nothing to complain about, but the result will be much worse. It is easier to agree with such people or to make some exceptions for them, rather than limit them with strict frames. Naturally, first, it is necessary to define whether these factors are really motivating for a person or he (she) just lacks organization skills. Criterion is simple – quality of work. If certain exception gives worker opportunity to work better, then there is sense to make them, if no, there is sense to refuse them, otherwise, motivation of other workers, who follow all formalities, can be hurt.

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