Power Of Verbs And Adverbs In Every Resume


Ability to write briefly and close to the matter is an indispensable skill for any worker, especially for an office employee. Let the phrase “I know how to conduct business correspondence” will be proved by your resume. For this purpose experts of Resume-Writer.net website have prepared for you this post on “Power Of Verbs And Adverbs In Every Resume”

Words that can make your resume useless

In spite of the fact that nowadays HR specialists judge about the candidates not only basing on their resume, in the work search process this document still remains one of the most important ones. No one doubts that resume has great importance and significant role when people look for a good workplace. That is why most job seekers believe that it is necessary to use old fashioned pompous formulations, wordings and cliché.

At the very firs sight, it does not look like a problem. However, it is necessary to remember that your resume is just one of many others, and all of them are usually read by one and the same person. If an HR specialist can not realize quickly what it is going about in a document or he gets tired of a puzzled narration, he will just pay no attention at all to such a resume. It should be noticed that resumes are created for fast reading, for being looked through, i.e. cursory reading, and not for long time process of thinking and decoding.

Make sure that your style of writing will not cause negative answer. For this purpose you need to remove from your resume the following words. By the way, most of them are verbs and adverbs.

I used

We all use something. Sometime word “apply” seems too simple to us, and we try to give meaning to our activities with the help of more complex word. Experts of our resume online service can say with confidence that it does not work in real life. Our advice is to be simpler! If you want to emphasize importance of your work, it is better to do by defining the results with numbers and dates. “Colourful” words and “picturesque” phrases do not have that much big value.

I helped

On the other hand, some job seekers are very modest and they are even ashamed of their own achievements. Due to this reason they overuse and abuse the word “help” meaning “cooperate” or “make contribution”. Our professional resume writers service advises not to be afraid to speak about your role in any matter, so that potential employer could see your work instead of thinking that you used to serve coffee. You need to learn to admit your achievements if they really exist.

I was responsible for

This is the phrase that suits more some bad description of a vacancy. We do not advise to include it to your resume. They not only catch up with boredom and depress, but also do not give opportunity to describe your achievements fully. You should prefer more certain verbs and place them in the beginning of the sentences. Also make bulleted list of these sentences, thus they will look better. For example, a sentence “I offered and implemented a new procedure…” sounds better than “I was responsible for service / maintenance…”

I worked

In the previous paragraph we have already mentioned certain (concrete, definite) verbs. And this is really important, because you task is to bring information to a person, who will read your resume. A verb “work” does not belong to definite. It is too indefinite. The alternative options are the following ones: “calculate / compute”, “facilitate”, “double”, “implement”, “introduce”, “embed”, “reduce” and so on.

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Speaking about adverbs

As a rule, adverbs are not necessary in resume (however, as in other most types of written papers). You should keep in mind that resume space is limited, and adverbs do not add much meaning, especially when you manage to choose an appropriate verb. If necessary, use dictionary, it can help you greatly.


Let us specify one point. If a word “goal” is met in one of the bulleted lists, this is okay, but we strongly do not recommend to use it in the titles and headlines. It looks really old fashioned. In modern resume such titles look ridiculous and preposterous. If you need to create kind of introduction, be careful with it and select words carefully and attentively.

So, these are the words that can ruin any resume. Choose verbs thoroughly, try to achieve maximum clarity, do not try to complicate the text or vise versa to make it too much simple. In this case you risk to make it absolutely senseless. If it might seem to you that HR experts are too much obsessed with verbs, then you need to know that they see hundreds of resumes per day and first of all pay attention to words that are placed in the beginning of the sentences. The words that form bullet list. If you manage to attract attention of an HR manager with certain words, then you will manage to stand out of the crowd and get the desired job.

As you can see, it is important to select words carefully for resume. We decided to help you and prepared phrases in advance. They will help to recall everything, to get inspired and include to your resume all the important facts of your biography.

Speaking about work experience

  • developed a project;
  • solved the problem;
  • planned work tasks three months in advance;
  • increased the sales by 5%, increased department work results;
  • led a team of three people;
  • studied the market;
  • projected the sales scheme;
  • broaden the range of clients, duties, responsibility zone;
  • cooperated with state authorities and establishments;
  • reduced production costs and so on.

Skills presentation

There are certain skills that are important for each certain profession. Here is the list of general skills that are useful for each kind of profession.

  • strategic thinking, the ability to plan several years in advance;
  • ability to prioritize;
  • compliance with deadlines;
  • ability to prove my own opinion;
  • skills of presentation and self-presentation (https://resume-writer.net/blog/guide-for-self-expression-at-work);
  • ability to build relationships (networking);
  • knowledge of the advertising / copyright / any other law;
  • mastery of the sales techniques / brainstorming / and so on;
  • multitasking: for work planning I use “Trello”, “Jira” etc.;
  • ability to motivate;
  • orientation towards the clients.

Talking about yourself

It would be excess to talk a lot about yourself, because different employers have different attitude to this point. Some of them admire when see that you know a rare language, meanwhile others ask themselves what you need it for. Just show your potential employer that you have life besides work and it influences your work positively:

  • an active team player (I have been going in for football for four years);
  • take part in volunteer project;
  • easily build new relationships;
  • improve skills all the time;
  • diligent, have calm attitude to the routine work;
  • charismatic, used to play in a drama school;
  • responsible.

Add some magical words. As a rule, job seekers give their contact and expect a feedback from employer. Show that you are interested in a vacancy and become an initiator of a meeting. Phrase like “I will be glad to cooperate” or “I will be glad to join your team” at least demonstrate job seeker’s politeness.

If resume building is a real torture for you, then we advise to use expert help of specialists of Resume Writer online service (https://resume-writer.net/blog/resume-services-online-in-search-of-the-best-one). They will create resume that will objectively reflect your experience and will help to achieve set goals.

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